Using NLP or Emergent Knowledge
A View of the Use of EK over NLP
During a training session, a participant ran through a full ‘power of six’ exercise.
He initially started out the session focussing on a business venture he was about to embark upon. During the session, at the end of the Reinforce set of six (stage 3), the focus moved from the business venture to the conflict of values between what he wanted for himself and what his parents wanted for him.
The following stages of the session brought out new information and a way forward for the client, in which to develop the business in a way that was going to fit in with all areas of his life.
A bright NLP’er in the group contested that the same result could have been achieved if we had ‘just used a simple neuro-logical levels process’. We agreed that the neuro-logical levels may have been a useful process had we known that the ‘real issue’ was actually about a conflict of ‘values’. However, it was only through running the power of six process, that the client discovered for himself what the ‘real issue’ was, and resolved it in his own way – with no inference or interference from the facilitator.