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Universal Conscious Practice
This page is presented to provide a direct reference to Konchok Penday's UCP material from 2002. His website went offline many years ago although it may still be accessible via web archive websites. However, if those resources ever cease to exist, here is a record of his final article. Konchok had a unique way of presenting his material, this has been retained where possible, the use of capital letters and symbols are prevalent throughout.
The Universal Conscious Practice [UCP] is a profoundly simple and extremely powerful consciousness or awareness enhancement process, procedure or practice which improves emotional-mental-spiritual ability and can be done by almost anyone . . . with ONLY the information in this article.
It can be done with another person as your Witness, or all by yourself, which is easier with the free Virtual Witness program [Note: use of EK technology supercedes this.]
This article is written from the point of view of a Witness coaching a Seeker, but UCP is also a self-guided practice.
UCP is so radically simple that people often dismiss it with no testing because they incorrectly imagine something must be complex to be powerful and effective. In fact, just the opposite is true. The more complex a methodology or procedure is, the more limited and narrow it becomes, the less utility it has, and the faster you must throw it away and find another practice that still has “bite” or effectiveness to make further progress.
UCP gives results from the beginning and keeps on giving more and better results as long as you continue to practice it. Each new session builds on the awareness of all those preceding it.
SEEING things exactly AS THEY ARE, without any additions, filters, alterations or denials, is THE basic curative process. UCP directly develops your ability to SEE * WHAT IS * NOW.
Every discharge or trauma reduction process is merely a way of getting the Seeker to SEE THE PRESENT, AS IT IS. Seeing things as they allow you to actually change them. The more a process limits what the Seeker looks at, the more limited it is.
UCP is the basic meta-process or underlying supra-set of ALL workable therapy or self-improvement: the fundamental basis of rational thought itself. I am well aware this is a huge claim: DO UCP & SEE!
UCP is a procedure that starts in the present, circles repeatedly about it, and ends in a new present. It brings to consciousness what is actually [although unconsciously or unknowingly] already in the present, examines it thoroughly, and either dissolves it into nothingness, replaces it, or puts it back where it truly belongs.
UCP can be represented by a very simple circular diagram with PRESENT in the middle, FUTURE ahead, PAST behind, and COMPARE PRESENT TO actions on right and left sides:
The Circle of Now
The process starts in the middle with Step 0. Then it goes 1, 2, 3, 4, 1, 2, 3 . . . around the outer ring, til it ends in the middle at 0 again.
Here are the UCP questions, what they do, and how they work:
- 0. WHERE ARE YOU NOW? - [Describe PRESENT scene to satisfaction.]
- 1. WHERE MIGHT YOU BE? - [Describe FUTURE scene to satisfaction.]
- 2. COMPARE THAT TO NOW. - [Describe Similarities and Differences to satisfaction]
- 3. WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN? - [Describe PAST scene to satisfaction.]
- 4. COMPARE THAT TO NOW. - [Describe Similarities and Differences to satisfaction]
I just ask “Where are you now?” If a new Seeker, I explain that this is their opportunity to look at their entire life and scene and examine anything important about it. We are not listing anything or looking for whys or causes or solutions or anything like that. It's just a Look, See and Say about where they are now. “Where” is interpreted in the most general way. I often used to say “Tell me about your universe,” or “What's up with your life?”, but it seems more logical and consistent to go with the past/present/future model, and it works just fine either way.
It's the same question as:
- “What's happening with you?”
- “Tell me all about it!”
- “How is it going?”
- “What is your attention on?”
- “What do you think about now?”
- “What is your intention now?”
- “What's up?”
- “What is your viewpoint?”,
or any of many other phrases which mean essentially the same thing. After the Seeker gets the hang of UCP, they don't care what you say because they know what they are doing. It's what the Seeker does that is important, not what the Witness says. You could simply say “Talk!” and in fact I have done that too.
A new Seeker may well talk for two hours about his entire life. A Seeker who already had a session this morning will probably give me a minute or two about what he has noticed since his last session. I don't care. He talks until he has looked at “Where he is now” and described it to his own satisfaction, not mine.
This orients him to the present, creates a starting point for him to compare other scenes to, and makes his universe clearer.
This is the POTENTIAL, FUTURE, IMAGINE, MOCK-UP, CREATIVE side of the process. It is not a tightly worded or narrowly construed question. You could probably just as well ask:
- “What might happen?”
- “Imagine a possible future”
or anything similar. The words are not critical as long as you understand what you are doing. I merely want him to create or notice some possible or even impossible future. It does not have to make immediate sense or even be actually possible. I just want him to fish something out of his universe and look at it.
Whatever the Seeker thinks of is fine with me. Anything he imagines is a proper answer. It could be a state of mind, an emotional state, a mental attitude, a spot on the highway, a physical position, a logical computation, a social position, a role he plays, etc. It can be 10,000 years in the future, impossible by definition, in his wildest dreams, in another dimension, in a parallel or non-parallel universe, whatever. An unwritten Star Trek adventure is fine! It can be the same fantasy he's looked at 20 times already. Great! I don't care. Anything will do! His attention is on it NOW, so it MUST be the right thing to look at!
I don't even care if it is really from the future or not. I often have the Seeker tell me a place he “might be,” and in the process of describing or comparing it, he realizes it is actually an incident from his past. Fine! He snuck up on a REGRESSION by putting it in the future to make it more confrontable! Of course, that is also a possible future place, as he might be there again someday. You might notice this selection method is very similar to traditional “free association,” except that traditional therapists don't know what to DO with what comes up.
I once had a session in which “Where I Might Be” was the dream I had this morning and analyzing the dream by comparing it to where I was now was profound, and took me all the way up to “know” in a huge area of my universe that was making me very frantic.
Notice that this same dream might also have come up on the past leg of “Where I Was, this morning.” Often it seems random whether something comes up on the Future or Past command. Who Cares? As long as it comes up, it's there so you can now LOOK at it!
This future leg of the process helps the Seeker discover his future, or lack thereof. It allows him to create new futures, and to change his mind and revise them. It lets him separate his goals, fantasies and possibilities from the actuality of his present time, and see how his future, or lack thereof, is actually created by him in the NOW.
This is simple and easy because you are not trying to figure out what the Seeker should put his attention on, and when he should take it off. You don't have to find, assess or analyze mysterious stuff in the dusty far corners of his mind to pick a minute obscure topic or “item.” You just gently help him look at whatever IS NOW.
Since that is all that is needed, anything additional would be an unnecessary complexity and distract the Seeker from his important work. The less the coach/therapist/Witness does, and the less attention the client / Seeker has on him, the better UCP works. If the Seeker is so absorbed he forgets the Witness is there… Wonderful!
This description of “where he might be” could be 2 words or 20 minutes. I don't really care, as long as the Seeker describes it to his satisfaction. When he is ready to look at something else, we go on.
This step has the Seeker compare the selected “something” with the present. I don't use the word “place,” because I don't want to define what he will be comparing. I don't know if it will be an attitude, a computation, a physical location, an activity, an emotion, a state of mind, a beingness, an identity, or whatever and I don't care.
Whatever he talked about on Step 1, I just want him to compare that to NOW . . . which may still be what he described in Step 0 but quite likely has changed considerably since then.
By “COMPARE” I am asking for SIMILARITIES and DIFFERENCES, but I only ask for them specifically if I am grooving in a new Seeker who is not used to UCP and is still feeling his way into it, or who may be reluctant or inhibited in talking. Otherwise “compare” is fine.
This step could be two sentences, or it could take two hours as he looks back and forth between the two scenes over and over again, seeing more and more clearly, and describing things in more and more detail and texture until he loses interest in this.
In order to compare the two elements, the Seeker essentially has to view both pictures, incidents, viewpoints or whatever at the same time. This in itself is extraordinarily beneficial to him.
Most people's awareness is much like a television set displaying a station selected by a remote control in someone else's hands. They are totally hypnotized by whatever program, picture, valence, identity, advertisement, idea, etc. is currently displayed on their screen. They compulsively identify with whatever that is as “themselves”.
When the picture flips to a different channel, it's still “them,” as far as they are concerned and they have *NO* awareness that it's actually a different channel and program. They can only duplicate or comprehend one viewpoint at a time, and it's totally beyond their awareness that they were just spouting a totally different party line.
The constant discipline of comparing builds the ability to view two viewpoints, pictures, etc., at the same time. This forces them OUT of the picture they have been IN, and gets them to adopt the viewpoint of the being who is looking AT the pictures. This DIFFERENTIATES them from the pictures they have been compulsively dramatizing, and are now self-determinedly viewing.
If their attention is on only one item, they can interiorize into it and BE it. When they confront two pictures and compare, it is very clear that they are neither one, but the viewer of pictures.
This is an enormously important spiritual capacity to develop. It builds enormous self-awareness of the Seeker as the creator of his own universe and greatly enhances his ability to knowingly create himself and his future. This simple ability is far beyond the realm of most individuals who believe themselves to be spiritually advanced but are actually quite thoroughly lost in pretence and hysterical compulsive identities which they strenuously dramatize.
While doing UCP, you will normally see many different kinds of weird mental phenomena, known variously in different disciplines by many arbitrary terms, appear with a vengeance and disappear again with no fancy complex rigid process commands, no chains of earlier similar incidents, no tricky diagnosis or evaluation of what is wrong, or what to do, no hypnotic suggestions, and no Seeker attention on the Witness or the Process. It's simple, smooth, often easy, and incredibly effective.
Just let them describe similarities and differences as long as they have interest. It might be a few words. It might be many minutes of analysis and cognitions. You don't have to worry about “flattening” it or getting “all the charge off.” If the Seeker has more attention on it, his attention will go back to it, and he can simply look at it again on the next merry [or not so] go-round. You do NOT have to “control his attention” and tell him when to think about what, and when to stop thinking about it. You controlling his attention is always DESTRUCTIVE to HIS universe. You just easily and naturally follow his lead to what HIS attention is on.
When he is satisfied he has seen what he wants to we move on.
This step of the process simply has the Seeker select something already existing that his attention is on. It is not critically worded. You could probably run it as “Remember something” or “What has happened?”. This just asks for anything from his past. He simply selects something for examination from what has already happened and is, therefore, PAST, and he is relatively the EFFECT of. It could be how his morning has been going so far, his reaction to a commercial, an exact specific incident lasting 1/10 of a second, a lingering thought he had 85,000 years ago as he lay dying, a room he used to live in, or a broad general scene that went on for trillions of years. I don't care.
This leg of the process is the EMOTIONAL DISCHARGE or TRAUMA REDUCTION aspect of prior events. It includes as subsets all of the narrowly defined regression processes that many “well-trained” therapists know hundreds of. It handles and heals what has already happened to the Seeker as the effect. It leads naturally to the FUTURE.
This is the exact same compare question as in the first leg of the process, and operates similarly, but compares the present with the past, fixed, effect aspect of the Seeker's universe, rather than the future, imagine, cause, create, potential aspect of it.
The constant motion back and forth between the legs of the process keeps him from getting stuck in the past and dramatizing himself as the hallucinatory total victim, and from getting stuck in fantasies of the future and dramatizing himself as the hallucinatory total victor, or vice versa.
If the Seeker is heavily in DENIAL or DISASSOCIATION, it will start to build CONNECTIONS between past, present, and future. If the Seeker is in IDENTIFICATION, comparing past and future to present separates them. It creates awareness of similarities and differences a basic definition of sanity. It pulls the past out of the present and lets it go to where it should be back into the past. It separates the Seeker more and more from the past into a clearer and more sharply defined and understood present time.
The constant comparing to “where he is now” keeps bringing him into the present. The entire process works as a “Havingness” process, giving him an entire universe to have. The net effect of UCP is to help him SEE THE PRESENT, MORE CLEARLY, AS IT *IS*. This allows him to actually change his present, with a new thought.
The ONLY thing I have ever seen go “wrong” using UCP is that it stirs up “stuff” from the past and the Seeker starts to *UNKNOWINGLY* DRAMATIZE that stuff. Of course, it is SUPPOSED to do that, but sometimes it turns on too hard. This can manifest in many different ways: protest, objections, complaints, criticism of the Witness, computations of “this is stupid”, “isn't working”, “won't work”, “can't work,” ANY kind of mis-emotion, and so forth. This can interfere with DOING the process and STOP the session if the Witness does not SEE what is happening and correct it by simply having the Seeker LOOK at what is going on.
The major handle is simply to SEE that “where the Seeker IS NOW” is NO LONGER where he WAS when he started the session. The process itself has moved something else in or moved him to a different place [take your pick of wordings for the same event]. You simply need to IDENTIFY where that new [old] place, feeling, computation, effort, intention, identity or so forth IS *NOW*.
ANY kind of question focussed on WHERE THE SEEKER IS NOW will point to and bring that out. If the Seeker's attention goes OFF of his universe and ON to you, session complaints, or something else, you simply need to get him to LOOK at what is happening NOW.
or ANY other similar question that points his attention to HIS PRESENT [the center of the circle in our diagram] and gets him to LOOK AT, SEE, and DESCRIBE where *HE* is NOW. THIS RE-ORIENTS HIM TO HIS *ACTUAL* PRESENT ACTIVITY.
Usually, if there is some kind of “problem” the Seeker will be talking about SOMETHING ELSE but him which is causing effects. You need to get his attention OFF of what something ELSE is doing or might be doing or not and ON to what HE is DOING, RIGHT NOW!
Instead of him telling you about SOMETHING ELSE, he needs to tell you about HIM, NOW! For example, someone who is raging at you that ……. [insert favorite person, condition, ghost, demon, polical party, job, etc] …… is causing …….. [insert what he doesn't like or is sure to happen in the future, etc] …….. you need to get him to look at WHAT *IS* RIGHT NOW untiI HE SEES THAT IT'S *HIM* THAT'S RAGING!
Once you have identified WHAT is happening NOW in the session, you can use your understanding that this IS coming from somewhere else in his past universe, has been stirred up or manifested by the process as part of its normal operation, and simply needs to be addressed.
Use your SECRET WEAPON and ask him the MAGIC QUESTION:
“EVER FELT LIKE THAT BEFORE?” or any variation of that simple question.
Usually, the answer is “YES!” and he tells you all about the PAST time or place, and you simply proceed as usual with “COMPARE THAT TO NOW.”
So the ENTIRE “correction” action when something goes “wrong” [i.e. “TOO right”] is:
- Witness recognizes Seeker is SOMEWHERE “ELSE” NOW.
- Witness gets Seeker to tell him WHAT is happening NOW.
- Witness gets Seeker to SPOT WHERE it comes from in the PAST.
- Witness has Seeker proceed normally by COMPARING to present.
In theory, the Seeker might be unable to function because of something from the FUTURE that was about to happen. In practice, I haven't ever seen it, and I suspect that someone who is bleeding to death or about to be arrested does not usually wind up doing UCP unless it's to look AT THAT.
“NOW?”, phrased as in any of the examples above, simply has the Seeker LOOK AT what he is doing NOW in session, instead of BLINDLY DOING it. It is simply a *NEW* STEP 0!
“PAST?”, phrased as “Ever felt like that before?”, or any other variation appropriate to the Seeker's answer to the “NOW?” question, is simply a variation of “Where have you been?” phrased to pick up whatever has just been stirred up by the process.
So the ENTIRE bag of “tricks” necessary to “fix” a difficult session can be summed up not in 20 different repair lists with hundreds of different questions to figure-figure about but in TWO WORDS:
- NOW?
If you can just remember this VERY SIMPLE concept, then if you start to have difficulty in a session, you can VERY SIMPLY correct fit. It is NOT complex. It MAY, however, be extremely difficult!
Above are the procedure commands. Below is the overall session pattern:
This identifies the present situation or scene, serves as a locational or orientation, and starts the process working.
You are not looking for a sudden “cognition.” You want to cycle through Steps 1-4 over and over again until the Seeker comes up to “know” in the area of the session. He will not even know what area or topic the session is about until the end. On the way there, he will definitely be at “not know” or lower about the entire session, both what it is about and how it will resolve. If the Seeker THINKS he knows what the session is about at the beginning, that is simply a hallucination. Don't fight with it. Just let it happen. The Seeker simply has to work through his hallucinations. You do *not* assess for or pick a topic and then “run” a session “on” that topic or “item”. That will NOT work well. There will be some theme, topic or area the entire session is about, but you will not likely know what it is until it emerges at the end of session, when the Seeker comes “full circle” to his first concerns and gets up to “know” in that area of his universe. If you have “problems” handle with “NOW?” and then “PAST?”!
As the Seeker achieves more familiarity with UCP, he will naturally STOP “doing it by the numbers” and gradually ease into simply looking at what is there. He will then only need a question when he “runs down” and isn't SURE what he should be looking at NOW. The “by the numbers” approach is essentially a TRAINING AID.
Some KEY wrap-up questions for doing UCP:
- Have you noticed that during the session you are now talking about what you started the session with?
- Is more or less everything you talked about also related?
- Does your first look at the subject now look more like a misunderstanding of what the real issue IS?
- Do you have a new understanding of how you relate to that now . . . and what your expanded options are?
When the Seeker gets up to KNOW, it will be apparent to both of you.
He will know what the session was all about. It will be clear to both of you that the entire session was about this one issue, even if it seemed like a random rancid stew of unrelated free[dis]association nonsense along the way. At the end, he will usually give you an indication that he feels he is done with the session, and why.
This is the appropriate time for discussion about how the session went, what his emotional tone is, how the practice is going for him, questions and answers, observations about his life or life in general, or whatever comes up. Often, the Seeker will ask the Witness what he thinks about something. The natural thing to do is: Answer!
This is the havingness or integration phase. Having focused his attention intensively on his own universe for the core of the session, the Seeker will typically broaden his attention to the exterior universes and seek other viewpoints to view and compare with his own now new. As he comes up to the ability of Communication, he communicates!
This phase might be just two sentences, or twenty minutes of new stuff popping in to see.
When you both agree you are done, you are done.
UCP is NOT a one-session do-once procedure. You practice it over and over again on an ongoing basis, integrating it more and more into your continuous consciousness. No one I know has ever used it up yet. As long as you DO UCP, you will continue to raise your emotional tone level and your awareness. As the Seeker becomes more familiar with the practice and what he does in his own universe to make it happen, he will become less and less dependant on commands from the Witness, and will start to run “freestyle”. This is an excellent sign and should be encouraged by the Witness shutting up and doing nothing.
A *HUGE* HELP IN DOING UCP IS THE CHART OF N-LIGHTENMENT! which is an html/excel document you can use on the screen or print on two sides for a one-page always-on reference what fits in your wallet.
It is a UNIVERSAL CONSCIOUS PLOT, aligning a growing number of individual scales, which allows you to locate your general or chronic level of awareness, [where your attention chronically is], so you can *WATCH* YOUR OWN AWARENESS *RISE* AS YOU *DO* UCP.
This is a very powerful factor, for it puts you in charge of your own awareness.
UCP addresses ANY aspect of PAST, PRESENT and FUTURE!
It performs the AS IT IS or DISCHARGE function of therapy, as well as the CREATIVE, MOCK-UP role of self-discovery.
It addresses WHATEVER the Seeker has stuck attention on, and handles it until the Seeker has NO attention on it.
It provides a UNIVERSAL CONSCIOUS PLOT which helps you understand where you have been, *SEE* WHERE YOU ARE *NOW* MUCH CLEARER and prepare yourself for where you are going next!
So you can understand it *WHILE* you experience it!
You NOW have a powerful tool to help yourself and your family, friends, and anyone else you wish well.
All basic UCP data is completely free at the website.
There is a lot more to learn to become expert on UCP, but that has been done in as little as a few weeks, in much less than 24 hours of actually doing UCP . . . AND UNDERSTANDING THIS ARTICLE ITSELF QUALIFIES YOU TO GIVE YOURSELF A UCP SESSION! RIGHT NOW!
Forget about your figure-figure, just *DO* some work on yoursELF!
Best Wishes,
Konchok Penday