Table of Contents
6 ‘B’ Starts or 6 Versions of ‘B’
This process involves the client creating a mission statement, and running the over-drive process on it. Then re-creating the mission statement and over-driving 5 more times.
Thus creating a 6 x 6 fractal map of the issue. Through this process the issue will undergo several transformations.
A transcript of the process is also available for a detailed analysis.
The Formula
- Clean Setup
- Over-Drive B (with Upload)
- Download A
- Upload A onto B (once)
- Meta-Drive B
- Meta-Drive A
- Run 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 five more times (using a new sheet of paper each time)
- Overdrive A (with Upload)
- Download A
- Upload A
- Contrast and Compare
This may seem a little convoluted at first, however it is really simple, read through the transcript for the specific questions (note that in this transcript I was over-driving A not B).
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