Transcript of The Issue Buster Process


Here follows a full transcript of the Issue Buster process, taken from a client on the website.

Note: When running this process with a client I begin with the Clean Start.


What would you like to focus on this session?

  • Getting motivated to lose weight

What do you know about that?

  • I have used every diet possible but have always regained weight as soon as I stopped

And what else do you know about that?

  • I am sick of dieting. Why didn't I get better genes?

And what else do you know about that?

  • I start out motivated in the morning but by the afternoon I find myself eating something not in the diet and then it all blows up

And what else do you know about that?

  • I should do more exercise to help with the weight loss plan

And what else do you know about that?

  • I hate how I look when I am overweight

And what else do you know about that?

  • I am going to get very unwell and maybe die if I do not do something soon

And what do you know now?

  • That I will continue to be unhappy with myself and unhealthy if I do not do something

What does that know about you?

  • That I have a choice lose weight and be happy and healthy

And what else does that know about you?

  • That I have lost weight in the past so I have been motivated

And what else does that know about you?

  • That I do know what is good for me and how great I felt when I had lost weight

And what else does that know about you?

  • I have to be more diligent than some other people due to my genes and also the slowing of my metabolism due to age

And what else does that know about you?

  • I have the will power to diet when I choose to

And what else does that know about you?

  • I am probably just sick of the struggle of the yo-yo with my weight

And what do you know now?

  • That I have used will power in the past to lose weight and it is my choice about what I now do

Is there anything else about that?

  • I have done it before so I can do it again

And is there anything else about that?

  • I know how difficult it is to stick to a diet so maybe I need to get some type of support as it seems to be getting harder for me to stick to a diet at the moment

And is there anything else about that?

  • I am sick of doing this so I need to really have some sort of maintenance plan so I do not have to keep doing this

And is there anything else about that?

  • I have so many other issues overwhelming me at the moment it seems hard to concentrate on losing weight

And is there anything else about that?

  • I am probably using food to comfort myself

And is there anything else about that?

  • That if I do not lose weight it will create more worries for me

And what do you know now?

  • That I have stresses in my life which are making it more difficult for me to concentrate on losing weight

Where could that come from?

  • Some of the stressful situations are from without such as financial crisis family problems, but a lot are from within worrying about my job and my health which are also related to being overweight

And where could that come from?

  • From not being financially, physically and emotionally fit enough to take control of these issues

And where could that come from?

  • From not losing weight and being confident in my decisions

And where could that come from?

  • I am angry with myself for being in the situation at this time of my life

And where could that come from?

  • My resentment towards others for not doing their share and giving more input

And where could that come from?

  • I believe I deserve better than I have got

And what do you know now?

  • That I cannot rely on others and I have to stop being angry with myself about it

And then what can happen?

  • I can let go of the anger and resentment

And then what can happen?

  • I can be free

And then what can happen?

  • I can make my own choices about what I want

And then what can happen?

  • I can let others go that have not been supportive

And then what can happen?

  • I can be scared of being on my own

And then what can happen?

  • I can accept these people as they are and not expect anything from them. We can just be

And what do you know now?

  • That if I keep going I will remain angry at myself

Is there anything else about that?

  • I need to release this resentment

And is there anything else about that?

  • I am angry at being let down by others I gave so much they could have done more for me

And is there anything else about that?

  • I never realised how angry I am

And is there anything else about that?

  • That maybe I am so angry with myself and others I am hurting myself

And is there anything else about that?

  • This anger is keeping me stuck

And is there anything else about that?

  • I have to let go of my anger and others

And what do you know now?

  • That I am very angry and resentful and I need to release this and then maybe I can release some of my weight also

And what is the difference between what you knew at the start and what you know now?

  • I am amazed that I have discovered that underlying my lack of motivation to lose weight is anger and resentment
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