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The Cycle of Communication


When observing the difference between great facilitators and those still in training, it has been noticed that great facilitators adhere to a simple communication cycle – whereby everything the client originates is acknowledged, either verbally or visually. Also, when the client answers a processing question or completes an action that was requested, the facilitator acknowledges this. Through this we have detailed a simple 'Cycle of Communication'.

A dictionary definition of communication is: 'The imparting or exchanging of information by speaking, writing, or using some other medium'

This is broken down in to the following parts for general conversation:

idea → conveyance → interpretation → conversion → response → acknowledgement

  1. An idea is generated by the sender (Joe wants to say “Hello” to Jane)
  2. This is conveyed across to the receiver by a medium (Joe says “Hello”, it travels by sound waves)
  3. The receiver hears this and understands the message (Jane thinks, Joe said “Hello” to me)
  4. The receiver converts the message (Jane thinks I'll say “Hi” back)
  5. The receiver responds to the sender (Jane says “Hi Joe”)
  6. The sender acknowledges the receiver (Joe smiles)
  7. A small pause and the cycle begins again

The Communication Cycle in Processing

During processing it was noticed that great facilitators stuck to this system without fail. All communication was fully acknowledged, usually with a definite “Thanks” or “Okay” and when a client was stuck in the middle of a communication cycle the facilitator waited patiently for the client to catch up and eventually answer the question, sometimes this required a little persuasion or encouragement.

What is of the most paramount importance here is that:

another cycle of communication is not started until the existing one has been completed

Here is a breakdown of the Cycle of Communication in a session:

  1. Is the client ready to receive the next question? (attention)
  2. Facilitator establishes next question [idea]
  3. Facilitator gives question to client [conveyance]
  4. Client interprets the question internally [interpretation]
  5. Client retrieves an answer from their system [conversion]
  6. Client gives answer to facilitator [response]
  7. Facilitator acknowledges client [acknowledge]
  8. Facilitator sees that client received acknowledgement (attention)

The facilitator must at all costs, if she wishes to be successful in facilitating, stick to this cycle.

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