Transcript of 6 'B' Starts


Here follows a full transcript of the 6 'B' Starts process, taken from the website - Iterator II. It does not include the Clean Start or any of the Meta-Driving questions as it was performed in front of a PC.


What would you like to focus on this session?

  • The release of 3 years work to the public domain

And what do you know about that?

  • This work is the culmination of my hard work grown out of the conceptual ideas of another, who has passed on

And what else do you know about that?

  • It is too important to leave it wasting away in a folder on my hard-drive. It holds no intention of any monetary return whatsoever.

And what else do you know about that?

  • The public domain shall do what it will with the material. It is to be shared and developed. It is intended to become a sourcebook for newcomers to the field of EK.

And what else do you know about that?

  • I don't want it anymore - it has been with me too long.

And what else do you know about that?

  • I feel there will be repercussions for sharing the material - from others who wish to monopolise on this material, who have no sense of community or a world EK fraternity in which we may all belong.

And what else do you know about that?

  • It will happen

And what do you know now?

  • The document just needs a few final touches before the first edition can be made public.

And what would you like to focus on now?

  • The few final touches

And what do you know about that?

  • This transcript is one

And what else do you know about that?

  • To check feedback from a variety of sources and include/update where necessary

And what else do you know about that?

  • To find the relevant place to launch the document from

And what else do you know about that?

  • To retain a place in which interested people may contribute and become share their experiences

And what else do you know about that?

  • For it to be released from me and become a community document - with not just my name on it.

And what else do you know about that?

  • That should be all the changes necessary for a first release: later releases and changes will be documented.

And what do you know now?

  • Release is imminent

And what would you like to focus on now?

  • The results of releasing this material and the intentions behind it

And what do you know about that?

  • The fundamental intention is to help others become free of their issues in a way in which they can manage themselves; in timeframes which are relevant for them and provide the tools so they may in turn help others. To bring to the EK community a document that does not publically exist yet, and open up channels of debate and growth to aid in the furthering of this material.

And what else do you know about that?

  • It is hoped that people will share their experiences on the forum, so others may benefit from messages and changes people are making.

And what else do you know about that?

  • The benefits people are experiencing and getting from the site and the Iterator are great. So this is an advancement of that. I believe that the giving away of this material is paramount to the quality of the changes people will make. Their contract to do the work, is with themselves and no one else (except the one point about doing some good in the world if you want the material)

And what else do you know about that?

  • It is time there is a furtherance of good will and kindness in this world. A time for us to heal ourselves and, our brothers and sisters.

And what else do you know about that?

  • Once we can let go of the troubles of the past we face today, we can look to the future and develop a new world which is free of the tainted past.

And what else do you know about that?

  • Nothing-ness… there is a freedom available to mankind -if he is able and willing to look inside and then release the reasons not to be it and in doing so, becoming the freedom itself.

And what do you know now?

  • Freedom is FREE

And what would you like to focus on now?

  • There is a peace inside of me now - a quiet, still place

And what do you know about that?

  • it encompasses my whole being and feels good

And what else do you know about that?

  • It sparkles from the top of my head and connects with the matrix of human kind

And what else do you know about that?

  • My heart connects in another matrix

And what else do you know about that?

  • My hands and feet join in now

And what else do you know about that?

  • There are no words

And what else do you know about that?

  • There is light, there is knowingness, there is oneness

And what do you know now?

  • In freedom we all become one

And what would you like to focus on now?

  • Becoming whole again is the goal of personal journeys of EK - Becoming whole again with mankind comes afterwards - Then the Universal Whole

And what do you know about that?

  • In becoming whole again - there is no longer external control. One manages themselves and their environment freely and is truly accepting of others, in this people are free to be and do what they wish to do. In wholeness, this means that being-ness and doing-ness is not tainted, it is pure. The fragmented, see this as losing their power, and a world of pain and troubles. In truth the release of the past, means one no longer has to repeat and act out the misdemeanours of our past and our ancestry. We can just be in the eternal moment of NOW.

And what else do you know about that?

  • NOW

And what else do you know about that?

  • There is only the moment of Now - everything else is a memory, an impingement from the Now, that the physical universe holds onto, or is changed and retains the impression of it.

And what else do you know about that?

  • There is an expanse of space around me - it is open, it is accepting and giving, it is reflecting the world around.

And what else do you know about that?

  • I trust in the heart of mankind. We are healing already.

And what else do you know about that?

  • This is a route to wholeness - it is appropriate now and through emergence, it will become something new and be appropriate later…

And what do you know now?

  • This is not for me to be attached to anymore.

And what would you like to focus on now?

  • It is for the world

And what do you know about that?

  • It is for mankind

And what else do you know about that?

  • It is for development

And what else do you know about that?

  • It is for sharing

And what else do you know about that?

  • It is for experiencing

And what else do you know about that?

  • It is for those who now want to release themselves

And what else do you know about that?

  • It is to be released to now

And what do you know now?

  • The feedback will come and it will grow from there

What is the difference between what you knew at the beginning and what you know now?

  • It is no longer my document - it is a free document for free development
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