Table of Contents


What is Over-Driving?


Figure 22

It is a simple question asked of either the observer (A), the observed (B) or the space in between (C), quite simply it asks, “What do you know?”


To break or pass through the boundaries of A, B and C into D and to schedule the world in such a way to allow new Knowledge to emerge.


As the Over-Drivers are fundamentally driving the Knowledge in the system, they are run as an iterative process, thus each question is asked six times.

The Over-Driving questions can be directed at either A, B or C.

Questions to A

Questions to B

Questions to C

As this is an iterative process there are 3 ways of running the Over-Driver:


Ordinal – from 1st to 6th

Cardinal – Global or Large Chunk

When the client is working with paper and writing or drawing out the problem and/or their worlds, the information that emerges with each question or at the end of a set of iterations, is usually acknowledged with the use of the ‘Upload’ process which is linked directly with the Over-Driver process.

The iterative, ordinal and cardinal use of these processes is given for a thorough description. Listen to your client, their evolving network/landscape will determine which of these styles to use.