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Uploading (Direct Connection with Over-Driving)
What is Uploading?
Figure 23
It is a process whereby the client writes or draws the answer to the Over-Driving or Download questions on the mission statement or onto new sheets of paper.
The instruction is simply: “Ok, so put that on there.” or variations on this.
To make sure the existing and new knowledge is recognised, that it has residence (an address), a source.
It puts the knowledge in relationship to everything else.
It allows A to release and let go of the information.
It saves the facilitator and client from having to remember what has been said.
It short-circuits the linguistic patterns people have, when they tend to ‘talk’ their way out of situations and it also provides another channel for the aspect of you stuck in a ‘Secondary World’ to communicate, via the drawing or semantics on the paper.
This process can be interlaced with the Over-Driver process in the usual 3 ways:
- “And what else can go on there.”
Ordinal – from 1st to 6th
- “And what is the 2nd thing that can go on there.”
Cardinal – Global or Large Chunk
- “And what are 6 things that can go on there.”